Chapter five covers five different types of solid proof connections used by the author of the book. Burmark mention the presenter must establish a foundation with the audience “series of lessons or presentations work to construct (the “house” of) knowledge overtime and subsequently serves to support higher, more abstract insight (the “roof”)” (pg. 70). Burmark also mentions there are time where the presenter has one shot to present not knowing the audience prior knowledge in such situations the presenter must be ready to change the presentation in a moment notice to “one-shot presenters have little or no time to course-correct, so they either have to be certain of the audience prior knowledge” (pg. 74). Burmark also mentions breaking the language barrier presenters must understand depending on the geographical location of the presentation there are time where you have an audience that speaks more Spanish then English in those situations the presenter must adapt, from experience as mentioned by the author asking questions prior to presenting helps out a lot more “I had been presenting for about five minutes to a politely attentive but totally nonresponsive audience when I happened to give an example in Spanish” (pg. 91).
Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
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