Saturday, February 25, 2012

Chapter 9 Tapping emotion

Chapter nine covers emotion according to Burmark there are two types of emotions that student and the audience feel there are the negative and positive emotions which tend to stick long before after the presentation “any positive or negative emotion”. (pg. 459) Goldwin mentions that the brain has two sides one side covers emotions and the other side covers dexterity however there more to both to side of the brains “Our brains have two sides. The right side is emotional, musical, and moody. The other left side is focused on dexterity, facts, and hard data”. (pg. 159) Since student are more likely to take images they see during a presentation we must choose wisely when presenting to student such as K12 as Burmark mentions in the book “A word of warning to K12 classroom teacher: Hine had to stop taking the pictures because the children stories were breaking his heart “. (pg. 163) The one thing about a presenter is he has control of the student or the audience emotions from the negative to positive emotions.

Burmark, L. (2011). They Snooze You Lose: The educator’s guide to successful presentations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Godin, Seth, “Really Bad PowerPoints,” Seth’s Blog.

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