Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chapter One

Chapter one covers three topics from the use of background color to the type of color font that would be more appropriate when creating a PowerPoint slide. The second topic covers wording on a power point presentation adding to much wording on a PowerPoint can create confusion to the audience the rule of thumb mentioned by John Medina the less is better. The final topic covers the use of font style some types styles tend to bring words very close together making it difficult the size of the font is also mentioned in Chapter 1. Burmark helps me identify some of major mistakes I have committed while creating PowerPoint slides for instant one of my few PowerPoint the background was to dark while the font colors did not mix. The fonts were mixed for example 8 to 12 font size making unorganized but those were the mistakes I have created in the past until recently while taking other courses, the use of images which in the beginning I never inserted any type of images until recently while working in teams projects. The current slides submitted last week will be making major changes for example changing the background color (light gray) making it more appealing the font color (yellow) will be a different. The font size will be changed making sure each slide is correspondence with the other slide and finally changing the font style will be changed.

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